Own a share of MTN today For 169.00 per share.

by Area Talk

MTN Share Offer

The public offer to retail investors for the sale of up to 575 million shares held in MTN Nigeria by MTN Group will be priced at N169.00 per share (the Offer).

The Offer opens on Wednesday, 1 December 2021 and closes on Tuesday, 14 December 2021.

The Offer is in line with MTN Group’s commitment to reduce its shareholding in MTN Nigeria from 78.8% to 65% over time. The objective of the Offer is to provide as many Nigerian retail investors as possible with an opportunity to own shares in MTN Nigeria.


The minimum subscription is for 20 shares and lots of 20 shares thereafter. The Offer includes an incentive in the form of 1 free share for every 20 shares purchased, subject to a maximum of 250 free shares per investor.

The incentive is open to retail investors who buy and hold the shares allotted to them for at least 12 months, post the allotment date.

How to participate in the Offer

Interested investors should ensure that they complete and submit applications through any of the following channels.

PrimaryOffer: To apply for shares Visit the PrimaryOffer website Click Here

Deadline: Tuesday, 14 December 2021.

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